PROTE - with care for environment ...

PROTE-fos – comprehensive service of lakes reclamation

Basic information

PROTE offers a comprehensive service of reclamation of lakes which are hypereutrophic with severe algal blooms. The core of our service is chemical blocking of phosphorus directly in lake’s (reservoir’s) bottom agitation controlled and artificially triggered agitation of these sediments. Additionally, chemical blocking of phosphorus is supported by individually chosen supplementary methods, for example immersing barley straw, growing macrophytes and macroalgae, regulating fish stock, dredging particular areas of bottom, etc.

As the only company in Poland we have carried out a comprehensive project of reclamation of two lakes in Gniezno (Lake Jelonek and Lake Winiary), which was financed by Life+ program (European Union financial instrument supporting innovative undertakings).

The source of the problem

Many lakes which used to be clean now have scarce esthetical, recreational and utility values, and the constantly growing demand for drinking water makes us treat every water reservoir as a potential source of drinking water. Algal blooms as the most frequent effect of lakes eutrophication are becoming more and more significant medical problem, although until recently they were considered only an esthetical shortcoming. Blue-green algae dominating in degraded water reservoirs produce toxins which are harmful to health. Lakes reclamation is a domain in which we deal with an ecosystem, and our main objective is to heal the ecological situation. It involves halting or reversing the process of growing fertility of reservoirs. Measurable effect of successful reclamation works is the elimination of blue-green algae blooms and consequently improvement of water quality (improved transparency).
Examples of toxic influence of blue green algae on humans and animals, described in world literature.

An analysis of the situation of almost 1250 lakes and reservoirs in Poland have shown that approximately 30% of them are degraded reservoirs, requiring remedial actions, an example of which is reclamation. Another 30% of reservoirs are at risk of degradation [Soszka, H. 2010. Założenia projektu dotyczącego ograniczeń w korzystaniu z wód jezior i użytkowaniu ich zlewni. Mat. konf. „Ochrona i rekultywacjajezior” (Ideas of the project concerning limitations in using lake water and lake’s drainage basin. Materials from conference "Lakes protection and reclamation”), Toruń, 2010].

Why reclamation?

The process of growing fertility of water reservoirs (eutrophication) is caused by human factor. Increased quantity of biogenes in a reservoir as a result of direct inflow of pollutants (communal and industrial sewage), intensive fertilization of fields around the reservoir, increased erosion in the drainage basin, influence of water birds (excrements, feeding), and anglers’ activity are the causes of negative changes in lakes, such as:
  • massive development of algae, especially the blue-green algae (blooms),
  • worsened transparency of water,
  • gradual decline of macrophyte species, growing at the bottom of reservoirs,
  • decreases in the variety of fauna and flora,
  • oxygen depletion in bottom waters.

Schematic of comprehensive lakes reclamation

As the only company in Poland and in the world we offer a comprehensive approach to water reservoirs reclamation. Applying proper methods and their proportion is strictly correlated with conclusions from analyses water, sedyments and biotic elements of ecosystem. Together with professor Ryszard Wiśniewski, who supervises the whole process, we have developed the above schematic of cooperation in order to achieve ecological effect. Prior to reclamation works it is necessary to identify and regulate the drainage basin, in which we offer our help.

Before choosing the right reclamation method it is necessary to take the following aspects into consideration: the degree of the method’s impact on the ecological system of a particular water reservoir, time needed for reclamation works, and most importantly, the permanence of effects which the method can guarantee. The crucial thing is a comprehensive approach to the process, that is reclamation of a reservoir by using complementary methods. Using only one method makes it possible to eliminate or temporarily weaken one element from the group of negative phenomena occurring in the eutrophic ecosystem, and not to restore biological balance in the whole ecosystem, which should be the main objective of reclamation works.


PROTE-fos method

The leading reclamation method offered by our company is an innovative PROTE-fos method which involves inactivating phosphorus directly in bottom sediments with the use of chemical substances (coagulant), which results in a decrease in the quantity ofphosphorus in water available for blue-green algae or phytoplankton whichcause blooms.
PROTE-fos technology is a modified Riplox [Ripl, 1976] method. The two methods are similar as in both cases air and coagulum are simultaneously applied to bottom sediments of a water reservoir. Our innovative modification of the method consists in triggering an intensive but controlled resuspension of sediments and applying coagulum directly to bottom sediments. The author of the method is professor Ryszard Wiśniewski from the Department of Applied Hydrobiology at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, who is also a scientific supervisor of our water reservoirs reclamation projects.

Ryszard Wiśniewski, Ph. D.
Nicolaus Copernicus University Professor

A very important thing in our PROTE-fos method is triggering an artificial resuspension of bottom sediments. It enables the applied chemical substance to penetrate the outer layer of sediments. It is important to know that this layer,as the most active one in the process of internal loading, takes part in the circulation of biogenes, including phosphorus, between sediments and water.
Applying chemical substances directly to bottom sediments does not only bind phosphorus in bottom sediments, but it also improves their condition. The sediments can restore or improve their ability to store phosphorus, and as a consequence help to reduce phosphorus concentration in water, and control its concentration over a longer period of time.
Our method influences the dynamics of phosphorus circulation in a water reservoir. Inactivation of phosphorus directly in bottom sediments is possible thanks to PROTEUS – a unique two-module vessel designed by our company.


A lake is a very comprehensive system of many correlations between inanimate and biotic elements which constitute an ecosystem, therefore carrying out the process of lakes reclamation requires highly specialized knowledge on lake functioning. PROTE, apart from the patented method and the specialized vessel used to carry out lake reclamation has also a qualified staff, whose members are engineers, doctor of biological sciences and an academic professor who specializes in limnology (study of lakes).
The specialized vessel called PROTEUS, which is used for dosing chemical substances to bottom sediments, is an innovative appliance that consists of two modules – a surface module and  an underwater module.
PROTEUS is the world’s only patented appliance which enables us to precisely apply chemical substances to bottom sediments and trigger controlled resuspension of sediments at the same time.
The surface module is responsible for moving the whole vessel and control the work of the underwater module. The underwater module is responsible for triggering controlled resuspension of sediments in its own closed space, as well as for oxygenating the sediments and applying a substance which blocks phosphorus in bottom sediments.
PROTEUS has been registered by Inland Navigation Office (Urząd Żeglugi Śródlądowej) and at the same time has been approved by National Labor Inspectorate.

Attestations, certificates and awards


  • Article "Innovative lakes reclamation method - PROTE-fos" - Magazyn Gospodarczy FAKTY, Nr 3 (51) May/June 2011, page 68;
  • 2nd Water Days of Greater Poland, 2nd Regional Conference on Lakes, Poznań 2011, presentation: "Reclamation of Lake Jelonek and Lake Winiary in Gniezno using the method of inactivating phosphorus in bottom sediments” Przemysław Nowacki, Ph.D as well as "Theoretical considerations of the reclamation of Lake Winiary and Lake Jelonek in Gniezno,  Poland" prof. Ryszard Wiśniewski from Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland; (program);
  • Article "Robot - 'vacuum cleaner' makes the water in lakes clear" - Dziennik Gazety Prawnej, Magazyn Informacyjno-Promocyjny EKOLIDERZY, Issue 21, April 2011, page J4;
  • 7th International Shallow Lake Conference Wuxi, China, 2011, presentation.:Multiple stresses and ecosystem changes in shallow lakes - prof. Ryszard Wiśniewski from Laboratory of Applied Hydrobiology, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń; (program);
  • Seminar „The effects of Gniezno lakes reclamation with the use of PROTE-fos method during MTP POLEKO 2010 Poznań,  Poland;
  • Conference in Gniezno 2010 – Сompletion of the project of Gniezno lakes reclamation, presentation: „Inactivation of phosphorus in two shallow lakes with the use of PROTE-fos method”, program (lectures and posters);

  • SIL 2010 – 30th Congress of the International Society of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, poster;
  • 21st International Scientific and Technical Conference WATER 2010 "Water supply, quality and protection”;

  • Ryszard Wiśniewski, Jerzy Ślusarczyk, Tomasz Kaliszewski, Adrian Szulczewski, Przemysław Nowacki , "Proteus”, a new device for application of coagulants directly to sediment during its controlled resuspension”, Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 2010, vol. 30, Part 9, p. 1421–1424, publication;
  • SIL 2007 – 30th Congress of the International Society of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, poster;6th Conference „Lakes Protection and Reclamation”, Toruń 2007, program (lectures and posters);

  • 7th Conference „Lakes protection and reclamation”, Toruń 2010, lectures: „Inactivation of phosphorus in bottom sediments of two shallow lakes with the use of PROTE-fos method, „Research and conditions of the reclamation of Lake Jelonek in Gniezno”, program (lectures and posters).


Materials for download

PROTE-fos broszura EN.pdf


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Karta PROTE-fos EN.pdf

Information sheet

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PROTE-fos - basic questionnaire.pdf

Contact form

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Contact form

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