PROTE - with care for environment ...

PROTE-MOS - Technology optimizing biological wastewater treatment

Basic information

PROTE-MOS - a revolutionary concept that delivers

Biological wastewater treatment plants, including their activated sludge category, have commonly been perceived as sequences of devices within which certain biological, chemical and physical processes need to take place, the general purpose of which is to reduce the biodegradable organic pollution load and remove settleable suspended solids from wastewater.

The conventional approach to biological wastewater treatment rarely regards the volume of excess sludge as one where substantial improvement is achievable, and thus should be persistently pursued. This is difficult to accept when one considers dwindling availability of land where excess sludge can safely be deposited, the significance of the quality and volume of excess sludge deposited for the condition of our environment and, last but not least, the massive cost of excess sludge management, the burden of which is ultimately borne by end users.

PROTE’s concept of wastewater treatment process substantially differs from the traditional one.
At PROTE, we always regarded sewage treatment plant as a closed ecosystem which should be able to operate at optimal conditions for the task it has. Our goal was to make this happen.

To improve upon nature is a very hard task. We were aware of that. PROTE-MOS is our response to this challenge. What our PROTE-MOS technology does, is to give nature a chance for it to solve the problem of wastewater better than was possible under the traditional wastewater treatment approach. We achieve this by relying on bio-chemical reactions that occur in natural environment. We do not enforce a sequence of physical and/or chemical processes designed by ourselves; instead, we accept the nature as it is, and only secure optimal conditions for wastewater to get as clean as possible within the closed ecosystem of sewage treatment plant.

PROTE-MOS creates optimal conditions for the growth of micro-flora and intensifies its metabolism. Stronger, fitter and more adapted to the conditions we create microorganisms dominate in the sludge. Due to the modification of activated sludge it causes, the microbiological diversity of the wastewater treatment plant’s ecosystem increases. As a result, PROTE-MOS raises the plant’s operational/technological resistance and stability.

PROTE-MOS is all about optimizing the parameters of the technological process. It helps select, and maintain, site-specific and safe parameters without interfering with plant’s design assumptions, ensuring the plant very well copes with variable loads of pollutants.

As a result, PROTE-MOS reduces the volume of excess sludge by a very significant margin (+20% up to well over 40%). This brings about a proportional reduction in the demand for technological chemicals, such as metal salts (iron/alum), lime and polyelectrolytes. PROTE-MOS can be beneficially implemented by all modern wastewater treatment plants. It requires no investment by plants found eligible for its implementation, nor does it interfere with their design parameters.

Apart from the reduction in the volume of excess sludge within first month, PROTE-MOS reduces
the effluent’s nitrogen and phosphorus content, thus making any objectionable odour emissions from the plant unlikely. PROTE-MOS is, we believe, an optimal solution for our environment.

Materials for download

prote-mos sheet v1 ENG dolar.pdf

Information sheet

3.32 MB | Download
Prote-mos contact form 2016 ENG.docx

Contact form

67 KB | Download

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